Little Shamokin Creek Watershed Association

Our Background
The Little Shamokin Creek watershed covers approximately 37 square miles & is a sub watershed of Shamokin Creek. Originating in Northumberland County to include 4 municipalities (Rockefeller, Shamokin, Upper & Lower Augusta townships). Little Shamokin Creek is designated for protection of Cold Water Fishes (CWF). The Little Shamokin Creek watershed is largely forested, 65%, with tree farms and deciduous stands. Agricultural areas of mostly pastures and croplands make up an additional 30% of the watershed & urban/developed lands, 2%.
Get Involved
Volunteer Opportunities
If you are looking to do service in Northumberland county, our organization offers a wide variety of projects to help clean and restore the creek for the use of all.
Fun Activites!
If you are looking to enjoy a nice day at the creek surrounded by friends and families in the community, we offer several fun, non-service event days.
Donations drive our ability to make our creek a cleaner and safer place. Without your support, we cannot host service projects and monthly activities on the creek.